Resilience is the capacity and dynamic process of adaptively overcoming stress and adversity while maintaining normal psychological and physical functioning. Studies conducted over the past 10 to 15 years suggest that resilience is a significant protective factor against suicide risk.
What Our Participants Say About ROR

John, Fire Direction Controlman, U.S. Marines (ret.)
“Those few days I spent with the ROR crew in Wyoming have done more for me than any of the treatments the VA has put me through over the entire time I have been going to them. I have started fishing with my Dad and I can look forward to those early mornings again. I spend more time with my wife a daughter than I have in a very long time. ROR helped me get part of my life back that I missed for so long. I would recommend the trip to anyone that struggles with PTS or anxiety and wants to get their life back. I look forward to being able to contribute to their program in the future so that I might be able to give back a little bit of what they gave to me.”

Dennice, MP, U.S. Army (ret.)
“It actually taught me patience can go a long way. I was able to catch my first fish. I probably was more excited than anybody there. It looked like a sardine. But, to me, it was a shark.
The best part is before you go out on the water, just having breakfast with everybody. It’s a big family. You get to be around people who you have a lot more in common with than you would think.”

José, SPC E4, U.S. Army (ret.)
“I get a lot out of it, seeing other veterans around me going through similar things that I’m going through. When we go on these trips you just instantly bond without knowing each other. They see me going through the same stuff as they are, and I think we help each other. I think that’s what it’s all about.
I recommend Rivers of Recovery to any veteran.”

Dan, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army (ret.)
“Rivers of Recovery stirred a passion in me that has become a healthy obsession. The experiences on my first trip changed my life forever.
Fly fishing allows me to engage my mind and body in a beautiful setting and nothing makes me happier than introducing other vets to the benefits of the sport.”